E-Publishing Conversion for iPad We are pioneers in converting original printed books to iPad e-books for various publishers. Our time-tested processes in We can convert your books into any Digital Format like eBook and interactive e-book.
- ePub 2, ePub 3 and epub3 with read aloud
- Fixed Layout format with read aloud
- HTML 5 Interactive.
- PDF accessibility & Web accessibility
- Mobi (kindle)
- Daisy conversion
- Multimedia e-book
- Audio and animation embed e-books.

We offer the following conversion services:-
- Word to XML: Word file structured manuscript is converted to base XML, i.e., non-DTD-based XML,
which then gets imported to InDesign all CS6. - PageMaker to INDD: PageMaker application source is converted to InDesign CS6.
- Quark to INDD: Quark source is converted to INDD CS6